Seasonal Recipes

Instant Pot Gluten-free Chicken Noodle Soup

Instant Pot gluten-free chicken noodle soup is perfect for a busy day that needs a quick, easy and delicious dinner. Being a busy Mom who works and cares for her family, I am constantly looking for recipes that fit into our lifestyle. The Instant Pot has been a topic of conversation amongst my friends for many months. Ultimately I asked for one for Christmas but then left it in the box until three weeks ago. I decided to be brave and carve out the time to learn about this kitchen tool and now that I have, my life is so. much. better.

Making the Instant Pot gluten-free chicken noodle soup.

Arriving home from a crazy busy day full of clients, coaching and fitness instruction, I knew I was making chicken but wasn’t sure the recipe I was using. The Instapot gluten-free chicken noodle soup happened by a happy accident. Now I will share how I did it and what you need to make this easy. Instant Pot gluten-free chicken noodle recipe a family favorite.


4 cups of chicken broth (I use organic and low sodium)

2 tbs of olive oil

1.5 tbs of chicken seasoning blend

1 tbs of salt

2.5 stalks of chopped celery

One handful or more chopped carrots

One handful of finely chopped onion

2-3 cups of gluten free noodles (2 cups for more of a chicken soup and 3 cups for more of a noodle soup)


Turn the release valve to Sealing.

Add 2 tbs of olive oil in the pot.

Pour 1/2 cup of chicken broth directly into the large, removable bowl inside the cooker.

Place 3 frozen chicken breasts in the ½ cup of chicken broth.

Season with chicken seasoning + salt.

Place the lid into the locked position.

Set the Instant Pot to pressure cook timer for 13 minutes. (It takes about 10 minutes to pressurize before it starts the 13 minute countdown.)

Once the timer is finished. Turn the pressure release valve to Venting. It’s HOT so do that with a kitchen utensil or a hand towel. You can easily burn your hand if you touch the steam.

Shred the chicken with two forks with the liquid still in the pot.

Pour 3.5 more cups of chicken broth to the pot.

Chop and add 2.5 stalks of celery.

Throw in a handful of chopped carrots.

Also add a ¼ cup of chopped onion.

Finally, add 2 cups of gluten free noodles. I used elbow macaroni but you can chose whatever you have in the pantry.

Recap the Instant Pot lid and turn vent to Sealing.

Reset the pressure cooker to 4 minutes.


Once the timer is finished turn the seal to venting again and be careful.

Taste. Add salt, pepper, or whatever you want to make it more flavorful.

Serve the Instant Pot gluten-free chicken noodle soup with crackers, salad or just alone in a big bowl.
