
Intermittent Fasting for Weight Loss

by | Feb 9, 2019 | Blog, Nutritional Education

Intermittent Fasting for Weight Loss

Intermittent fasting for weight loss has a multitude of benefits including the loss of body fat, heightened energy levels, improved cholesterol levels, and even the reversal of Type 2 diabetes. So, if you have some stubborn pounds on your body and have your doctor’s approval, intermittent fasting could be the solution to cutting the fat.

Eating Small Meals a Day is Better, Right?

We coach many women in the age range of 35-45. At that age, our metabolism begins to slow down. So to improve the metabolic speed, we encourage consistency in diet patterns by suggesting 5-6 small meals a day. This eating pattern has been scientifically proven to increase health and wellness in women by helping to decrease body fat. However, it’s not the only way to move into a healthier body mass index (BMI). Check yours here.

Intermittent Fasting Suggests a Different Eating Pattern

Intermittent fasting for weight loss is not a starvation diet; it’s a new eating pattern. Rather than following a traditional eating schedule like breakfast, lunch and dinner with snacks mixed in between meals, participants eat in predetermined hours of the day. These windows can be anywhere from a 7-12 hours in a day. Participants also consume less calories than a non-fasted day of the week. Popular is the 5-2 Fasting Pattern, where a participant will fast two non-consecutive days a week and eat normally the other five days of the week.

How Does the 5:2 Fast Work?

On the 5:2 patterned intermittent fasting days, the participant consumes 500-600 calories between 7-12 hours per day, ending food consumption by the early evening hours. It’s best to follow the circadian rhythm as our metabolism performs better during waking hours. Participants could consider eating from 12pm to 7pm on their fasting days. If that’s too challenging in the beginning, start with a 12 hour fast, 6am to 6pm. To advance the fast, start narrowing the time frame as your body adjusts.

Sample Menu

For example, this sample menu is a guide to assess if this eating pattern is right for you.

11:00 am

6oz. of white fish (120 calories) plus 1 cup of steamed spinach (41 calories)

2:00 pm

1/2 cup of raw almonds (162 calories)

5:00 pm

4oz. grilled chicken breast (171 calories) served with 1 cup of roasted brussels sprouts (38 calories)

Will I Be Hungry in the Day?

Intermittent Fasting for weight loss has the high probability to cause hunger in your body. Because you are eating far less calories in your fasted day (-25%), it will take some time for your body to adjust to this new eating pattern. A self-aware, Wellthy Soul Rev60 client who has been using the 5:2 pattern decided to blend coconut oil to her black coffee in the mornings as she was feeling easily distracted around 3pm. Subsequently, the next fasting day, she had more focus and more energy.

Why Intermittent Fasting is Effective

The human body needs fuel to function. Consequently, when a woman’s eating patterns occur in a more narrow time frame, her body is forced to tap into stored fat as an energy source. The body burns a greater fat mass for energy without losing as much lean body mass or muscle mass as they would on other diets.

In Conclusion

Intermittent Fasting for weight loss is effective over time with results appearing after 30 days for most individuals. Intermittent fasting can be used to lower stored body fat, increase the metabolism, and improve cholesterol levels. It is discouraged in women who have suffered from anorexia or bulimia to avoid reverting back into past behavior patterns. Set personal boundaries when participating in any diet that restricts calories. Maintain a balanced and peaceful mind, body and soul. If Intermittent Fasting is making you miserable, stop. If it feels good to your body, stay the path.